Talent war: a favorable momentum for SCPI management companies?
Read the article written by Nathanaël Trouiller by clicking here.
September 27, 2022
Our news
Conference on the theme of human resources at Sibca - Salon de l'Immobilier Bas Carbone
Find this conference by clicking below.
September 24, 2022
Managing post-covid talent - Club Choiseul City of Tomorrow
Find out more about this exchange on the management of post-covid talents by clicking below.
25 June 2021
Focus on the remuneration of Fund Managers in real estate
Find the article written in collaboration with Business Immo by clicking here.
04 March 2021
Focus on French real estate expatriates
Find our study on expatriate profiles in Europe in the Real Estate sector by clicking here.
January 22nd, 2021
Décideurs 2020 Ranking - Headhunters specialising in Real Estate & Construction
Find the Top Management ranking by clicking here and the Middle Management ranking here.
January 05, 2021
The stakes for the leaders of tomorrow's city, in the time of Covid
"We are pleased to have actively contributed to this third edition of the 200 leaders of the city of tomorrow, alongside Business Immo and the Choiseul Institute.
Now established in the landscape of the real estate industry and the city, this new edition appears to be in the midst of a major shock caused by Covid-19. It is marked by an increased diversity in terms of professions represented and a more assertive mix. It sheds light on a more exhaustive population than the previous one. »
Find our editorial by clicking here and the Choiseul ranking here.
September 17th, 2020
Covid-19: what impact(s) on the market of lʼemploi real estate?
"Our customers are globally cool-minded and aware of their responsibilities towards their ecosystem, their partners and their employees. We logically observe a slowdown of recruitments in the real estate sector since the beginning of the containment".
Find the full article by Nathanaël Trouiller and Emmanuel Cazier, co-founders of Haussmann, published in Business Immo, by clicking her
April 9th, 2020
"None of the Choiseul winners chose real estate by chance."
Passionate and committed: this is how the second cuvée Choiseul Ville de demain can be defined. A few weeks after the publication of the 2019 list of the 200 winners, the Choiseul Institute and its HR partner Haussmann Executive Search look back at the lessons learned by this new generation of decision-makers who constitute the very essence of the next generation of tomorrow's decision-makers. Crossed... perspectives.
Click her
e to read Emmanuel Cazier and Nathanaël Trouiller's presentation in Business Immo, a partner of Hausmann Executive Search.
December 4, 2019
Real estate market and talent attraction
The real estate investment market in France is experiencing uninterrupted growth: the investment volume, 31 billion euros in 2018, has almost tripled in eight years.
Click her
e to read the speech of Nathanaël Trouiller in Le Journal de l'Économie, partner of Hausmann Executive Search.
July 15, 2019
A "Lady Boom" in Real Estate?
It is now obvious that more and more women are holding management positions in land, management companies or development companies. Here is a brief analysis of this significant feminisation of the real estate sector.
Click her
e to read the full article by Magali Déroulède, Director at Haussmann Executive Search.
October 16th, 2018
The main trends in the real estate market in 2017/2018
The year 2017 has been rich in changes: hybridisation of spaces, extension of geographical areas for investment, diversification of asset types, multiplication of services accompanying the rental service... In this context, the real estate business is changing and the profiles sought after are changing as well. Magali Déroulède, Director at the Haussmann Executive Search recruitment agency, gives an overview of the main trends that will mark recruitment on the real estate market in 2017/2018.
Find the full article published in Immoweek by clicking her
November 28, 201
Study: Digital Leaders Barometer 2017
Since the first survey of Chiefs Digital Officers in 2015, things seem to have changed, or rather evolved. In what sense? The CDO is no longer a myth for many companies. It has even become a standard-bearer, a living proof that the company is now taking the subject of transformation seriously in front of demanding customers or shareholders.
Click here to read the full study by Matthieu Watremez.
The right questions to ask before making any important decision
Thinking about the next step in your career? Summer holidays are often a key time to change jobs. But it's also important to ask yourself the right questions before making any important decisions.
After several weeks of the recruitment process, first with the recruitment agency and then with the company, you hesitate. Not that you don't like the position, but there you go, it would involve changes in your family life or taking a professional risk.
Read the excellent article in the Harvard Business Review on this subject and take the time to think about it before you sign.
July 5, 2017